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Rivers of Power / Ríos de Poder, Signed

Rivers of Power / Ríos de Poder, Signed

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Rivers of Power By Alejandro Cartagena

Description:”It’s a great book in which you’re immersed in a full range of different images from different sources. There’s also the sense that the books Cartagena makes, as well as being works in themselves, are also punctuation marks in a larger body of work that he’s already semi-visualising in his photobooks, that the books, though great, are just a stepping stone to some huge installation that will one day take up a couple of floors of one of the world’s major museums. There’s a feeling that the book isn’t everything, that the book is just the beginning”. Colin Pantall

Designed and edited by Alejandro Cartagena and Fernando Gallegos
Introduction by Ximena Peredo
Essay by Gonzalo Ortega
Editorial design by Communal
Co Published by NEWWER and Alejandro Cartagena
Softcover in Box
490 Trade copies
144 pages,
Printed in Spain at Palermo
Prepress by La Troupe
ISBN 978-0-9966697-1-9
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